Jul. 15, 2017
Carved Falcon Darleys Stud Farm Kildare.
This commission was to carve a “Falcon” out of a living Sycamore Tree. It was commissioned by Darleys Stud Farm Co. Kildare. The Farm is owned by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum (Prime Minister of Dubai). His Highness has a keen interest in Falconry so the idea of a Falcon carved looking out and “protecting ” the estate seemed very appropriate.
Latest comments
Superb workmanship.
Hi, I was wondering if you do slate memorial stones
I’m in awe of your work. Would you consider making a quite small headstone to be adjacent to a main Celtic -Cross monument ?
The Headstone with the bird on the branch, what material is this made of, and also do youwork with Slate. Also wondered are you familar with the work of Fergus Wessels re
Headstones. Oxfordshire.